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[women] 10 Alasan Bunda Menjadi Single Parent Akan Baik Baik Saja
Mom you gonna be alright, you are alone but will not lonely ..... itu celotehan seorang anak kepada ibunya yang sedang ditinggal swaminya, papa dari anak - anaknya. Single Parent atau Single Mom itu sama artinya atau beda tipis, istilah keren sekarang beda tipis itu diartikan sebelas duabelas... Tapi arti sebenarnya dari Single Mom itu berasal dari bahasa Ingris yang artinya seorang ibu rumah tangga yang mengurus keluarga tanpa swami. Seperti kita ketahui semua yang ada di bumi tidak bisa kita minta sesuai kemauan kita. Hanya tangan - tangan Tuhan yang mampu membagikannya. Anak, istri, swami, dan rezeki adalah pemberian Tuhan yang sangat mulia dan bahkan itupun tidak abadi. Ada saatnya mereka akan pergi sesuai suratan dari Kuasa Tuhan. Bukan kah demikian bunda ...????.. Ayoo.... Ibu - ibu yang menjadi S ingle Mom berusahalah bertahan apapun itu tantangannya. Menjadi S ingle Mom harus kokoh s...
Thanks For Draining Childhood
Live life with appreciation, let the past be a memory that deserves to be told foto quenzino/mommyasia. id Thanks For Draining Childhood Coka When Coka on teenager, he has full pressure of life. Coka is the eldest son from five kids of Albert Angreto's family who live in Cheyenne City, Wyoming. Dad Albert is a single parent because his wife, Angelina passed away when she gave birth to Chris. Albert family has five kids they are Coka, Cika, Jane, Steven, and the baby 5 months is Chris. Coka's childhood was not like other kids. His day to day has to look after his four younger siblings and helping the father's work. Every time his younger siblings cry or something bad happens to them, he always the one to blame. Dad Albert is very strict and he doesnt want Coka and other kids to be lazy, even nap time is very rare enjoyed. The saddest day when Coka was late for class because he has to finish his work for family farm as such to feed hundred chicken and t...
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